Publisher's Synopsis
★ David Copperfield has been enjoyed by readers for over 170 years! ★
David Copperfield is an autobiographical novel, written by Charles Dickens in 1850. It is his eighth novel and was originally titled The Personal History, Adventures, Experience and Observation of David Copperfield the Younger of Blunderstone Rookery (Which He Never Meant to Publish on Any Account).
The book is narrated by the character David Copperfield, who describes his life from youth to middle age, detailing his adventures, friendships, and enemies. The central theme is personal growth and change, even in the presence of adversity. It is often described as Dickens' masterpiece, "the triumph of the art of Dicken." It is widely considered to mark a turning point in his work, a point at which his writings turn from youthful to more mature matters. Dickens himself admits that David Copperfield is his own favorite novel and stated that the story was "a very complicated weaving of truth and invention." Some elements of the novel coincide with events in Dickens's own life, while others are purely fictional.
This beautiful reprint of the original story is unabridged and unedited, preserving David Copperfield for your reading pleasure. It will make a wonderful addition to your library of classic literature!
"I could hardly find the door, through the tears that stood in my eyes. I was so sorry for my mother's distress; but I groped my way out, and groped my way up to my room in the dark, without even having the heart to say good night to Peggotty, or to get a candle from her. When her coming up to look for me, an hour or so afterwards, awoke me, she said that my mother had gone to bed poorly, and that Mr. and Miss Murdstone were sitting alone."
- Original 1850 Text
- Classic Coming-of-Age Story
- Dimensions: 8x10 inches
- Matte Cover