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Darkness Trembles

Darkness Trembles A Battle for One Lost Soul

Paperback (04 Dec 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

When Light breaks through the Darkness to battle for one lost soul, a peculiar teenage beauty faces a life-altering decision. Will she embrace the gift of grace-filled freedom or remain chained to a world of brokenness, rejection, and heartache?

In a small town in South Georgia, Bolanle (Boh-LAHN-lee) Anderson becomes a primary target of evil when she tries to escape the unrelenting dysfunction of her self-centered mother and perverted stepfather, DN4 (Daddy Number Four). Her desperate flight brings her face-to-face with Lemrich Free-Byrd McDonald, a homeless man living under Spook Bridge, who insists the leatherbound journal in his possession is meant for her.

The mysterious offering becomes a beacon of hope, illuminating her path to a reality she never imagined possible. Navigating this strange, new world, Bolanle encounters strategically placed Warriors and Saints who steer her toward the unconditional love and protection of the Shepherd.

Join Bolanle on her transformative journey, where every choice has the power to redefine her destiny.

Book information

ISBN: 9798992053609
Publisher: Kelly Whitehead
Imprint: Kelly Whitehead
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 456
Weight: -1g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 26mm