Dark Winter

Dark Winter - Jake Mahegan Thriller, A

Paperback (24 Sep 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The world order is being hacked to pieces... By the time anyone realizes what's happening, it is too late. A dark network of hackers has infiltrated the computers of the U.S. military, unleashing chaos across the globe. U.S. missiles strike the wrong targets. Defence systems fail. Power grids shut down. Within hours, America's enemies move in. Russian tanks plough through northern Europe. Iranian troops invade Iraq. North Korea destroys Seoul and fires missiles at Japan. Phase 1 of ComWar is complete. Enter Jake Mahegan and his team. Their mission: locate the nerve centre of ComWar—aka Computer Optimized Warfare—and shut down the operation through any means necessary. There are three ComWar headquarters, each hidden deep underground in Russia, Iran, and North Korea. Each contains a human biometric nuclear key that the team must capture to shut down the imminent nuclear strikes. Splitting up the team is Mahegan's only chance to prevent the next wave of cyber attacks. But even that won't stop the sleeper cell agents—here in the United States... When Phase 2 ends, World War III begins.

Book information

ISBN: 9780786043088
Publisher: Kensington Publishing
Imprint: Pinnacle Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 464
Weight: 282g
Height: 105mm
Width: 192mm
Spine width: 32mm