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Dances With Tears

Dances With Tears

Paperback (30 Nov 2013)

  • $12.34
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Publisher's Synopsis

"Efrayim's poetry truly embodies the experience of a contemporary Jew who has found a very deep inspiration in his ancient roots. There is a certain freshness and bright sunny quality that comes with his pure simplicity which cuts to the very core of his growing relationship with G-d. Yet, there is the tension and frustration of one who has seen what he, and those around him, could become if only they would. He is both optimist and realist." - RABBI YOSSI MENDELSON, Congregation Machane Chodesh; "This book is a blast of Hasidic bebop ecstasy." - CRAIG FISHBANE, Brooklyn poet and resident of Bensonhurst; "Thank you for the poem ['Mordechai's Day at the Beach'] . . . beautiful . . . best wishes." - JOHN ZORN, American composer and saxophone player; "His poems themselves are heartfelt psalms." - "SMALL PRESS REVIEW"

Book information

ISBN: 9780981767833
Publisher: Poets Wear Prada
Imprint: Poets Wear Prada
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 24
Weight: 41g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 1mm