Publisher's Synopsis
Phonics remediation to help struggling readers and English learners master the most important phonics skills! Daily Phonics provides systematic phonics instruction, practice, and application for students reading below grade level. Daily 15-minute lessons help students learn basic phonics skills typically mastered in grades 1, 2, and 3. Daily lessons are paced and progress through scaffolded listening and speaking activities to writing and reading activities. Use all of the weekly lessons or just choose the ones you need. What's Inside: 32 weeks of daily phonics activities - Each day includes: Teacher support page: Daily teaching tips for explicit instruction to introduce the week's focus skill and guide students through the daily activties. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities that provide students with multiple opportunites to learn, practice, and apply phonics skills. A dictation activity to extend practice and serve as an informal assessment. Scope and Sequence Chart How to Use This Book: Highlights the tools available on both the weekly teaching page and the daily student pages, and provides tips for working with English language learners. Answer key Grades 4-6 phonics skills include: Initial, medial, and final consonants, consonant blends, and consonant digraphs Silent consonants Short and long vowel sounds CVC and CVCe words Vowel digraphs and patterns Diphthongs Syllabication The schwa sound Irregular plural nouns and plural noun endings Inflectional verb endings Contractions Prefixes and suffixes and more... About Evan-Moor Educational PublishersIgniting young minds to help every child learn and succeed! Evan-Moor creates engaging and meaningful learning resources for children in grades PreK - 8. Trusted by parents and teachers for over 45 years, Evan-Moor's award-winning resources are thoughtfully developed to nurture children's hearts and minds to help them reach their full potential.