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Cytokines From Basic Mechanisms of Cellular Control to New Therapeutics - Cold Spring Harboer Perspectives in Biolgy

Book (31 May 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

" Cytokines are small proteins released by cells that regulate the behavior of other cells. They include interferons, interleukins, and tumor necrosis factor and are important regulators of the immune system. This book examines the spectrum of cytokines that are produced and their roles in normal physiology and disease. Topics covered in this essential volume include: - Cytokines and Long Noncoding RNAs - Negative Regulation of Cytokine Signaling in Immunity - Cytokines and metabolism - Cytokines and viral infection"--

Book information

ISBN: 9781621821250
Publisher: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Imprint: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 616.079
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Weight: 1136g
Height: 189mm
Width: 263mm
Spine width: 32mm