Publisher's Synopsis
Our World offers us many useful resources so we can live healthier and happier lives. However, there are still many powerful secrets of the Earth which are yet to be truly understood. These discoveries have the potential to help us overcome our problems and make way for a better future. One of these ancient discoveries is the magic of Crystal healing. More and more people are starting out on their own journey of working with these precious stones because they can sense that Crystals have something to offer them. In this book, you will find out about the history of crystals and where they have come from. You will also discover exactly where to find, cleanse and how to use these stones. This new-found knowledge can then be put into use, via the various strategies included to help you maximize your healing. Each technique offers an easy to follow step-by-step guide, so almost anyone can begin working with them effectively. If we are able to get rid of what doesn't serve us, then we are free to move forward to achieve the life of our dreams. This book contains the knowledge to help you to do just that. The second part of this title includes an easy to read mini-guide of various crystals and what properties they possess to help heal the mind, body and spirit. With this new information at hand you will know what Crystals you need to heal and exactly how to use them.