Publisher's Synopsis
God's mercy is not giving us the punishment that we deserve, and His grace is giving us His undeserved favor. But remember, God's primary concern as our loving Father is not for our comfort and happiness in this life. This life is but a moment, it is over in the blink of an eye. God is involved in our lives to prepare us for eternity, and His ultimate will is that we spend eternity in His presence. God's nature is love. He did not create us because He was lonely. The Almighty created us because He wanted a family, and it is not His will that even one shall perish. God radically loves us, and that love was embodied 2000 years ago in a man from the humblest and poorest beginnings who had a ministry for three short years. His perfect, radical, incredible love changed the course of History. His life was but a crumb in the context of History, yet it profoundly altered the course of humanity. He was not a CEO, not a human King, not a great military leader, yet his short life here on earth impacted humankind like no other.