Publisher's Synopsis
It is at the most important moments that another palm conjuncts yours: when lovers hold hands, when business associates solidify an agreement with a handshake, when palms slap together in exuberant celebration (the "high five" gesture), and at a crossroads when an illuminated palm redly illuminates the lines and features of your own hand.
Standing at a crosswalk, waiting for a cue to move forward, one is literally at life's crossroads, and the presentation of a "Don't Walk" palm reveals the fate inherent in that crossroads. Just as the lines in one's own palm can be studied to divine personal fate, the idiosyncrasies in a "Don't Walk" palm are glowing suggestions of how crossing that intersection will affect one's future. One most always has a choice: to cross here or not, to find a bench and wait longer, to seek a different intersection, to reverse course completely. In the rare instance of there being no choice, one's destiny is sealed. And so we must never take a "Don't Walk" palm for granted. It flashes a message - one that could announce good news and make one's day, one that could forewarn disaster and save one's day. The intersections of life - no more vital junction points exist, and no profounder sign can guide us than the "Don't Walk" hand.