Publisher's Synopsis
Crimson is a gripping, compelling and descriptive, true story of an innocent, little girl's sexual abuse, the destruction of family life and her willingness to forgive.
Set in the quaint and picturesque suburbs of England, the story depicts beautifully her happy, but troubled, childhood. Follow the seasons of her life's path, from a seemingly happy child in spring, dancing in the rain, to the wintery torments of a dark secret, kept hidden behind closed doors.
Claire was held captive, hunted and used like a child prostitute by her own father, within the bounds of her home. Do you need help to move beyond the trauma of your past shadows?
Crimson shows you how to step into the light to embrace a new future that can be yours.
Claire Wren, originally from England, settled in California and became an American citizen. Here she has raised her four children, and is now a nana of four, darling grandsons. She served alongside her mentor, the late Sharon Ries, who recognized her God-given gifts and talents, and gave her opportunities to use them.
For many years Claire held the position as an Administrative Assistant in their large Children's Ministry and taught Sunday school. She enjoys being an Event Coordinator, has written Women's Bible Study materials, is a Women's Bible Study teacher and a retreat speaker.
Currently, Claire is on staff at Calvary Chapel Golden Springs, pastored by Raul Ries, following her passion as a writer for the Somebody Loves You Publishing.