Publisher's Synopsis
A new type of friendly fun - CRAFT BOMBS! What is a craft bomb? It's a super cute piece of colourful art that you can "drop" just about anywhere to bring a smile to someone's face. All you need to do is pull out any of the pre-made art in this book, use some adorable craft supplies, and drop it anywhere! This book offers layers of craft-tastic kindness, with projects like vision boards, journal cards, banners, affirmation and kindness cards, room décor, origami fortune tellers (cootie catchers) and more! Loaded with readymade cards, posters, and pullouts to personalize, this book is the ultimate guide to being the queen of kindness. Change the world together, one act of random cuteness at a time! Inspire strangers with girl power, using Craft Bombs: A Super Stash of Awesome Art to Spread Kindness, Joy, and Happiness.