Cowboys & Buckaroos

Cowboys & Buckaroos Trade Secrets of a North American Icon

Paperback (05 Oct 2005)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Not since Fay E. Ward's Working Cowboy has there been a book that better explains the techniques and skills a horseman needs to master to become a modern-day working cowboy. There are distinct differences between cowboys and buckaroos. In addition, there's a third hybrid version that embraces the best of both styles. The differences between these styles, and the similarities as well, are explained. Chapters include everything a cowboy or cowgirl needs to know in order to function in a twentyfirst century ranch or feedlot setting. This book should appeal to the vast number of cowhands and ranchers that already work with cattle on horseback, as well as weekend cowboys who show a keen desire to do so by either helping out with neighbors or visiting guest ranches on a working vacation. Technique and etiquette are equally important in the cowboy and buckaroo trade. Furthermore, this book should also serve as an invaluable educational resource manual in many extension seminars held at feedlots, colleges, and high schools across North America dealing with the handling of horses, cattle, and dogs.

Book information

ISBN: 9780911647679
Publisher: Globe Pequot
Imprint: Western Horseman
Pub date:
DEWEY: 636.21309711
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 173
Weight: 638g
Height: 276mm
Width: 207mm
Spine width: 13mm