Publisher's Synopsis
Philip Greenslade continues through Isaiah - chapters 40-66. Isaiah has been rightly dubbed the 'evangelical prophet' - the OT herald of the gospel, and the book the 'fifth gospel'. We discover how Isaiah reinvigorates our faith so we dare to be counter-cultural - we are given visions of servanthood, suffering and salvation that move the heart, rekindle the imagination, renew the mind and revive our faith. Peter Hicks writes on 2 Peter and Jude, two of the most intriguing books of the Bible. Both letters have as their main theme one of the most important issues Christians in the twenty-first century have to face - the issue of truth. What is Christian truth? Is the Bible true? What about other religions? How do we cope when a learned theologian denies the divinity of Christ? How do we defend the truth in a relativistic age? To these and other questions Peter and Jude give us answers.