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Courthouse Democracy and Minority Rights

Courthouse Democracy and Minority Rights Same-Sex Marriage in the States

eBook (29 Mar 2013)

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Hardback (02 May 2013) $159.96

Publisher's Synopsis

In Courthouse Democracy and Minority Rights: Same-Sex Marriage in the States, Robert J. Hume examines how the democratization of state courts and state constitutional systems has influenced the capacity of judges to protect minority rights. Through an intensive examination of same-sex marriage policy, Hume shows that democratic innovations like judicial elections and initiative amendment procedures have conditioned the impact of judges on state marriage laws. Using a combination of original and publicly available data, Hume demonstrates that "courthouse democracy" has influenced the behavior of state judges, the reactions of the public to state court decisions, and the long-term policy consequences of these decisions, including the passage of state constitutional amendments. Hume concludes that judges will be capable of producing meaningful social change-and protecting minority rights-only when they have the institutional resources that they need to stand against popular opinion.

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Oxford University Press

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Book information

ISBN: 9780199982394
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Imprint: Oxford University Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 346.730168
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 230
Weight: -1g