Courageous Wake

Courageous Wake

Hardback (20 Nov 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Do you have a secret? Do you worry that people will think you are crazy if you reveal it? Dr. Catherine P. Perry hid some secrets like that. Be inspired, entertained, and empowered as Catherine brings you along her compelling and liberating journey out of what she coined "the spiritual closet." A so-called coventional psychotherapist, Catherine Perry secretly used her psychic and metaphysical healing gifts to help her clients. That is, until a bizarre chain of events catapulted her into an archeological dig; there, she performed an autopsy of her past. She discovered a heart still beating in the child she once was. Spirits guided her to her true identity, to acknowledge and express who she is-not who society expects her to be, and to solve the mystery of why she feared being known as a psychic and mystic-one who receives direct communication from God, angels, spirits, etc. Paying attention to her intuitive and spiritual guidance led Catherine to the greatest freedom: to express herself authentically, be the authority of her truths, and never again to fear the opinions of others. Courageous Wake demonstrates the potential in all humans to grow beyond old childhood perceptions and social conditioning. The story is an elixir for the searching soul, an accelerator of personal growth, and a call to action for people to come out of whatever closets they are hiding in.

Book information

ISBN: 9781449041137
Publisher: Author Solutions Inc
Imprint: Authorhouse
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 244
Weight: 515g
Height: 152mm
Width: 229mm
Spine width: 17mm