Count the Stars

Count the Stars

1st paperback ed

Paperback (05 Sep 2024)

  • $11.43
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Publisher's Synopsis

Raewyn Caisley's gentle text and Gabriel Evan's timeless illustrations conjoin to celebrate the beauty of maths and friendship, hand in hand.
From the parallel lines of moonlight pouring through her bedroom blinds, to counting daisy petals in the garden, Maddie adores maths. If only she had a friend who marvelled at it as she does. Then Dad takes Maddie, along with her new classmate Priya, to the observatory where the unfathomable numbers of stars take their breath away.

Book information

ISBN: 9781529520576
Publisher: Walker Books
Imprint: Walker Books Ltd
Pub date:
Edition: 1st paperback ed
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 170g
Height: 260mm
Width: 250mm
Spine width: 3mm