Cost Studies of Buildings

Cost Studies of Buildings

Paperback (04 Jul 1988)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This is a survey of methods of forecasting, planning and control of costs associated with the provision of new capital building works. The author introduces construction economics and examines the control of costs whilst a project is under construction, during the design process and looks at the significance of government legislation such as taxation to cost modelling.;The work is illustrated with graphs and charts and also includes worked examples and a select bibliography.;It is intended to be of value to students of quantity surveying at higher technician, degree or professional examination level, those studying architecture and building and as a useful reference for the practitioner in these fields.

Book information

ISBN: 9780582021228
Publisher: Longman Scientific & Technical
Imprint: Longman Scientific & Technical
Pub date:
DEWEY: 690.0681
DEWEY edition: 19
Language: English
Weight: 630g
Height: 250mm
Width: 190mm