Publisher's Synopsis
The text is composed of six chapters. The 1st chapter has to do with state estimation and data smoothing. The chapter includes Luenberger observers, alpha-beta-gamma filters, Kalman filters, extended Kalman filters, proportional-integral Kalman filters, and H Infinity filters. It is given at the beginning of the text as it is a necessary interface between control algorithms and sensors. Chapter 2 describes RLS and Kalman filter state estimation approaches to fault detection and includes an example. Chapter 3 has to do with control system design to mitigate the effects of disturbances, including disturbance accommodating control, H Infinity, and ADRC. A few adaptive control methods are described including MRAC and L1 Adaptive Control. Chapter 4 describes ways to tune proportional integral derivative (PID) control algorithms. This is the most commonly used and, therefore, most important control algorithm. Chapter 5 describes several feedforward control techniques. Chapter 6 has a few applications that may be of interest to the reader. It shows a few of the techniques explained in the text by using control system and estimation methods.