Publisher's Synopsis
In recent years, traditional theories of intelligence and measures of intellectual functioning have come under increased scrutiny by practitioners and researchers seeking a broader understanding of cognitive abilities and personal competence, enhanced diagnostic and treatment utility, and a more culturally sensitive practice. Toward these ends, many new assessment instruments and techniques have been developed and new and revised theories of intelligence have emerged. Bringing professionals up to date with these advances, this unique volume provides a comprehensive conceptual and practical overview of the current state of the art of intellectual assessment. Bridging the gap between applied intelligence testing and the latest in cognitive science, the book covers major theories of intelligence, methods of assessing human cognitive abilities, and issues related to the validity and utility of current test batteries. Contributing authors, who include leading theorists, researchers, and scientist-practitioners, as well as many of the test developers themselves, give special attention to ways in which emerging conceptions of intelligence diverge from traditional paradigms. Taken together, the chapters provide the knowledge needed to effectively use new batteries and to make up-to-date, empirically supported interpretations of older tests.