Publisher's Synopsis
Most research on learning tends to occur in silos based onstakeholder perspective. This volume seeks to break down thesesilos and draw together scholars who research learning fromdifferent perspectives to highlight commonalities in learning forstudents, faculty, and institutions. When we understand howlearning is experienced across the institution, we can developstrategies that help support, enhance, and reinforce learning forall.
Exploring what it means to bridge learning across theinstitution, this volume provides a roadmap to improvelearning for all. Both scholarly and practical, it advancesthe knowledge about the ways we investigate and study learningacross and for various groups of learners.
It also:
- Collects thinking about learning in its various formats in onelocation
- Provides a platform for synthesis
- Outlines key questions for thinking more deeply about learningon campus.
Instead of thinking of learning as discrete depending on thestakeholder group, this volume highlights the commonalitiesacross all types of learners.