FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH, the paper slightly browned, pp. 346, [6], foolscap 8vo, original wrappers, the backstrip gently faded, very slightly rubbed and creased at extremities, very good
Publication details: Penguin Books,1972,
Rare Book
Inscribed by the author on the half-title: 'To John Harte, Esq., with my sincere compliments, R. Thomas [i.e. Rudolphe Thomas Kanza]'.Kanza, a close friend of the subject as well as a minister in his government, offers an account of Lumumba's career that shows his instrumental role in the liberation of the Congo, up to the triumph of his premiership and the tragedy of his assassination.
FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH, the paper slightly browned, pp. 346, [6], foolscap 8vo, original wrappers, the backstrip gently faded, very slightly rubbed and creased at extremities, very good
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