Concise History of Western Music

Concise History of Western Music

Fifth International Student Edition, Anthology Update edition

Paperback (02 Jul 2020)

  • $62.54
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Publisher's Synopsis

Barbara Hanning's Concise History of Western Music offers students a manageable introduction to the forces that shaped music. Combining concision with the imaginative pedagogy that her text pioneered, Hanning focuses on an essential repertoire of 109 characteristic works—from the Middle Ages to the present—providing students with the cultural and historical context to illuminate the music and remember its significance. The new Total Access programme unlocks a full suite of media resources with every new book, including instant access to streaming recordings of the complete Norton Anthology of Western Music repertoire, an ebook, audio for nearly every short example in the text and stunning Metropolitan Opera video.

Book information

ISBN: 9780393421668
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
Imprint: W.W. Norton and Company
Pub date:
Edition: Fifth International Student Edition, Anthology Update edition
Language: English
Weight: 1276g
Height: 206mm
Width: 279mm
Spine width: 25mm