Publisher's Synopsis
A peek into the depths of the economic situation that relates to each person. The prospects of each customer in the retail world are becoming more and more diminished. Meanwhile, there is an increasing apathy concerning many ultra rich merchants toward the well-being of their clientele, reducing them to "consumers" and mere statistics on a balance sheet.The book looks into poignant reasons why this is happening and reveals the possibility of treatment for those ultra rich in the merchant class who sink to the depths of manipulation instead of service in order to find shortcuts to large fortunes. We also take a look at new studies of the human mind and how it may be possible to restore and further augment the I.Q.s of the victims of the new normal of mercantile psychological exploitation and use of mind-rewiring of the public for profit.In addition some of my theories of economics are introduced in this publication and I discuss some of my concepts such as synthetic prosperity, organic economics and engineered prosperity. Economics is like a fine and cultured lady who does not reveal her secrets to those who seek to enrich themselves. The problem is that the wheeler-dealers of big business are placing their dependence on those educated by the guesswork and supposition of scholastic economics instead of altruistic stewardship and service - based on experience in the field - service, not only to humankind but to life itself on the entire Earth, in fact, to our very own planetary life-support system.