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Companion to Clinical Anaesthesia Exams

Companion to Clinical Anaesthesia Exams

Paperback (19 Sep 1994)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This title provides skeleton answer plans to help plan revision and serve as a structured aide memoire for essay questions and vivas in anaesthesia examinations. In addition a comprehensive practical clinical section covers all the pitfalls to be encountered in the interpretation of ECGS, chest films, pulmonary function tests and blood gas analysis. Viva questions are grouped into practice viva examinations prefaced by advice on sound viva technique and how to go about using the answer plans to produce good viva answers. Finally, an expanded core reference section provides synopsis of key references and saves precious revision time by identifying those that are most important.;The book is aimed primarily at those candidates preparing for the Part III FRCA examination but should also be of value to those taking the Part I FRCA examination.

About the Publisher

Churchill Livingstone

The Churchill Livingstone imprint of Elsevier first appeared in 1972 following the merger of the medical lists of J & A Churchill, E & S Livingstone and Longman. John Churchill, the founder of J & A Churchill, opened his publishing house in London in 1728 with a list of medical books dating back to 1688.

Book information

ISBN: 9780443049620
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
Imprint: Churchill Livingstone
Pub date:
DEWEY: 617.96076
DEWEY edition: 20
Language: English
Number of pages: 232
Weight: -1g