Companion Animal Bereavement

Companion Animal Bereavement A One Health Workbook for Veterinary Professionals

Paperback (07 Oct 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This concise workbook is written as a guide for veterinary professionals to support owners through the many challenges they face before, during and after the death of their companion animal.

This unique text provides a wealth of practical advice to be used when supporting both adults and children through the grief process. It offers support when discussing subjects such as natural death versus euthanasia and guiding owners through after death services. Also, it covers the difficulties experienced by owners due to separation for other reasons, such as when a pet has to be rehomed. The book:

- Gives highly practical guidance on pet bereavement support for vet staff before, during and after animal loss, including communicating with highly distressed people;
- Includes exercises and activities which can be downloaded and shared with owners to help them cope with the destabilising effects of grief;
- Helps gain a deeper understanding of the owners' perceptions of the process, including their fears and feelings;
- Addresses the importance of self-care and peer support within the veterinary team or animal welfare organisation;
- Contains numerous case studies and practical examples in the book and via additional online resources.

Book information

ISBN: 9781789245370
Publisher: CABI
Imprint: CABI
Pub date:
DEWEY: 155.937
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 192
Weight: 508g
Height: 188mm
Width: 245mm
Spine width: 19mm