
Communication How To Break The Code Of Small Talk While Boosting Your Social Skills And Generating Instant Likability (Improving Online Communication And Professional Relationships Through The Use Of Email In Location-Independent Work Settings)

Paperback (26 Oct 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The act of sharing information or an idea with another individual or a group of individuals is what we refer to as communication, and it involves a number of different variables. When stated in this manner, it appears to be a relatively straightforward task; yet, finding the words that hypnotise those who listen to you and having them dangle from your lips are two very different things. How frequently have you found yourself unable to proceed with a speech because you were unable to come up with the appropriate word, at which point you looked away from your interlocutor and lost their attention? Your anxiety levels start to rise, and you start stumbling over your words.

Are you sick of the way anxiety seizes you each time you approach the podium to speak? Are you unable to deliver your message with the impact and conviction it deserves because of your anxieties and self-doubt? Now is the time to break free from the bonds of public speaking anxiety and uncover the self-assured and fascinating speaker that lies dormant within of you.

Imagine that you are able to speak up at any point during any meeting at any organization, and that not only does everyone in the room comprehend what you are saying, but they are also impressed by your level of self-assurance and authority. It would be wonderful, wouldn't it, to have the feeling that you could stand up at any time and easily and clearly express your opinions? You have the potential to be an excellent communicator in any setting.

Book information

ISBN: 9781835731154
Publisher: Allen Jervey
Imprint: Allen Jervey
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 176
Weight: 181g
Height: 203mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 10mm