Publisher's Synopsis
They were pioneers, not trekking across the American continent but across the heavens.
In 2362, with fifteen billion people on Earth, exploration of the stars is becoming necessary. The mathematician/engineer Rusty Fields invented the Focus Gravity Drive (FGD), which, for the first time, allows humanity to approach the speed limit of the universe, the speed of light. Epsilon Eridani is the closest star system with the possibility for life in the Goldilocks zone, where water exists in liquid form, which is 10.446 light-years away. Even at the maximum speed of the FGD, 80% of the speed of light, the trip will take fourteen years to complete and would not be possible if not for the invention of stasis. A forty-person crew of scientists and craftsmen aboard a spacecraft venture out and find what it takes to colonize a new planet. They are on their own; Earth will not know if they survived for nearly a quarter century. See the challenges and changes of everyday life. Discover the wonders of Earth through the discovery of a different planet. Develop your sense of wonder through the eyes of Blake Bond and Francine McKinney as they share their experiences in the new world of Blume.