Publisher's Synopsis
The well-known veterinarian, trainer and author, Dr. Gerd Heuschmann devotes himself to the topic that is central to developing collection: correct bending and positioning. He shows how we can strengthen and condition the horse's haunches to bear more weight and alleviate and lighten the load on the forehand, thus preserving it, and protecting the delicate front legs from injury. The only way to go from a horse in ordinary, horizontal balance to a collected horse is through the path of correct bending. The anatomical and bio-mechanical background of this important training component is explained here for the first time in writing, taking into account anatomy and the science of movement.
The necessity of riding in a specific and correct way, and the corresponding development have been known since the 19th century, however, "why we must use this method" has not been explained in depth, until now.
This book will help you understand the multi-dimensional, functional way the horse can best carry us.
This work includes many topics, including:
Why halt a horse, why bend it?
Positioning and bending in classical equestrian literature.
The horse's natural crookedness
The correct positioning of the horse - a requirement for correct bending
The biomechanics of positioning and bending.
This book is a must have for every trainer and rider!
This edition's translation was completely re-checked and redone by Xenophon Press editor and publisher in chief, Richard F. Williams, an expert dressage trainer and teacher. All changes and corrections were made directly in consultation and discussion with the author, Gerd Heuschmann and the result is a clear, exact authentic translation of the original German text. This book covers a vital, often missing concept behind the mystery of how to collect horses progressively.