Collected Stories

Collected Stories - Everyman's Library CLASSICS

Hardback (05 Aug 2004)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Though W. Somerset Maugham was also famous for his novels and plays, it has been argued that in thethe short story he reached the pinnacle of his artwas his true métier. These expertly told tales, with their addictive plot twists and vividly drawn characters, are both galvanizing as literature and wonderfully entertaining. In the adventures of his alter ego Ashenden, a writer who (like Maugham himself) turned secret agent in World War I, as well as in stories set in such far-flung locales as South Pacific islands and colonial outposts in Southeast Asia, Maugham brings his characters vividly to life, and their humanity is more convincing for the author's merciless exposure of their flaws and failures. Whether the chasms of misunderstanding he plumbs are those between colonizers and natives, between a missionary and a prostitute, or between a poetry-writing woman and her uncomprehending husband, Maugham brilliantly displays his irony, his wit, and his genius in the art of storytelling.

Book information

ISBN: 9781857152760
Publisher: Everyman
Imprint: Everyman
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 848
Weight: 892g
Height: 212mm
Width: 135mm
Spine width: 50mm