Publisher's Synopsis
Most coaches know that Personality Type indicators can add enormous value to their work. Based on the work of the distinguished Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung, questionnaires such as the MBTI® and its many rivals can give clients swift, deep, unsettling and reliable insights into their own behaviour and needs. Yet many coaches hesitate, asking questions such as:
Do I know enough about it to use it confidently?
Where does it add value in work with senior leaders?
Where can it be useful when I'm working with a client on career issues?
What should I do when a client challenges me on validity and reliability?
What other psychometric assessments might I use and how do they complement Type indicators?
How should I use it with groups, for instance on management development programmes?
How does it work as part of a team coaching project?
This book will build your confidence. It gives you honest, straightforward, practical and realistic advice on these and other issues, from an author who is internationally recognised as a leading thinker and practitioner in executive and team coaching, as well as being an expert on Jungian Type. The book is enriched by dozens of short case studies.
"How can anyone resist? 'Coaching for Personality Types' is a well written, accessible and stimulating book from one of my favourite coaching authors. Jenny brings her vast experience and warm personal style to offer the reader an in depth review of type based personality instruments from MBTI to Lumina, and how executive coaches can use type based approaches with sophistication to offer fresh insights and understanding to their clients."
Professor Jonathan Passmore, School of Psychology, University of Evora & Centre for Coaching, Henley Business School, UK
"A masterclass in the area. Jenny Rogers is an expert in both coaching and assessment but she avoids unnecessary statistics and theories. Rather, her book uses in-depth knowledge to underpin rich case studies, stories and really practical insights. The majority of coaches use the type model and type measures: this book enables them to become experts in their use - and doesn't shy away from offering alternative approaches. There are plenty of type introductions around. This is the best for practising coaches by a long way."
Ian Florance, Consultant Editor, Meyler Campbell and Secretary European Test Publishers Group, UK
"As an extraordinarily well-written guide to assist both beginners and veteran coaches in the use and interpretation of the MBTI, Rogers' book has much to recommend it, and I do so wholeheartedly. It does what it says on the tin, but my goodness, it does a great deal more than that.
The section on the origins and psychological underpinnings of Type, the conceptual framework of the MBTI and its psychometric properties are presented with exemplary clarity; thorough, comprehensive and scrupulously balanced. Rogers' combination of broad brush and fine strokes makes engagement with this relatively complex subject a richly rewarding experience.
The sections on coaching, quite aside from the MBTI focus, represent a masterclass of the highest order. The author's breadth and depth of experience across a broad spectrum of individuals, organisations, and contexts, and the holistic insights thus gained, shine through on every page. 'What Works' deserves to be the gold standard, not only in respect of the MBTI and psychometric-assisted coaching, but also as an invaluable addition to the canon of coaching practice."
Neville Osrin, Emeritus Fellow, University of Exeter Business School, UK
"As a religious professional, I have used MBTI typology for many years as a tool to coach and encourage others. I believe Jenny's book to be essential reading for anyone interested in using any psychometrics in their coaching -- or in their work generally. Reading it helped me correct a number of mistakes I had made. It also introduced me to many new tools to balance my practice. Her insights relating to coaching teams and the use of psychometrics will help anyone increase the effectiveness of their work with groups."
Rev. Dr. Rodney (Rod) Woods, Senior Minister, City Temple London, UK
"Another great book from Jenny Rogers. Full of useful and practical information, insight, ideas and guidance. All put together with her knowledge, wisdom and experience in this field. It is also a stimulating read with case studies to illuminate the information. I wish it had been around when I started out but having said that, I found it great to read now as well. I recommend it to all coaches as essential reading."
Julia Vaughan Smith, Action Researcher/Writer/Workshops and Retreats
"This is the book I've been waiting for! As always, Jenny writes with great flair and humour, so reading her take on Coaching with Personality Type was a pleasure as well as immediately useful.
I've been using the MBTI with clients for nearly 10 years now with reasonable success as a coach and coach trainer. Jenny Rogers' profound understanding of the subject and the insights she brings from her own coaching practice are illuminating, practical and inspiring. I'm really looking forward to taking this into my own coaching work and will certainly be recommending to all the coaches I work with."
Jane Cook, Head of Coaching and Leadership, Linden Learning Ltd
"Jenny's depth of knowledge and experience in this field shines through in this book. Her sense of humour, insights via personal experience and excellent approachability of the text makes this a stimulating and informative read for both novice and experienced coaches. It lays out a balanced approach to a range of tools and techniques based on a measured consideration of underlying theories. But what really made this book stand out for me was the synthesis of type information and coaching principles manifested in the many real-life case studies. As a practitioner this will provide invaluable 'aha!' insights and ready to use frameworks for my everyday practice. Jenny's books never disappoint - this one will join the others as a constant reference."
Sandy Oosthuysen, NHS Asst. Director of Organisation Development and coach, UK
"From the title onwards it works! Offering engaging and practical insight on how to coach with personality type. Numerous examples and case studies offered with a liberal dose of good humour bring the subject to life for the reader. An invaluable companion for novice and experienced coaches alike."
Tim Cox, MD of Management Futures, UK
"This book brings to life the use of personality type in coaching. Focusing primarily on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), it brilliantly illustrates the value of this profoundly useful and elegant model. The book's greatest strength is its emphasis on the practical application of type to client work. The numerous pen-portraits of individuals with different personality types whom Jenny Rogers has coached demonstrate the powerful ability of MBTI - when used skilfully - to increase self-esteem and emotional intelligence. This book fills an important gap in the literature and I would strongly recommend it to coaches at all levels."
Dr Catherine Sandler, Author of 'Executive Coaching: A Psychodynamic Approach' (McGraw-Hill, Education 2011)
"This is the biggest book in coaching for years. The MBTI is the most widely (and wisely, and badly) used instrument in coaching, but here at last is the indispensable guide to its full proper use in coaching and leadership development. Covers every conceivable topic, for individuals and teams, from the history to the science, the depth, wisdom, and the good pragmatic sense for which Jenny is renowned. Indispensable: thorough, comprehensive, and throughout with Jenny's trademark dry wit and pragmatism."
Anne Scoular, Co-Founder and Faculty Member, Meyler Campbell
"This book is brilliant both for those new to MBTI and for those who have been using it for years. Written in her straightforward style laced with her dry humour, Jenny informs, encourages and cautions about the possibilities of working with Type, including short case studies to demonstrate her points. She tackles head on the criticisms of the Indicator and gives an even handed write up about its competitors.
Not just a look at the MBTI itself, Jenny provides a clear understanding of what, when, how and why a Coach might offer it as a source of data in raising the clients awareness of how they are in the world and how that may impact and influence the people around them. Great stuff!"
Liz Macann, Director, Macann Coaching Consultancy
"This timely and practical book is a 'must have' for experienced coaches who work with Type, and beginners alike. It has all the hallmarks of a Jenny classic - elegance, authority, relevance, immediate usefulness, and of course her characteristic candour about the upsides and downsides of using Type and other psychometric instruments. It is timely for me as this year marks 20 years since I qualified as an MBTI practitioner and I still found myself greedily mining it for ideas and resources to enhance my practice. I particularly liked the chapters on challenges to Type, blended use of psychometrics, Type and career, and worki
ng with teams. I fully expect this book to become an instant coaching classic."
Maria Fay, Executive Coach
"This is another cor