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Coach Travel

Coach Travel An Illustrated History

Paperback (15 Sep 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This book offers a concise, chronological history of bus and coach travel, exploring the significant contribution this form of travel has made to the development of Britain's tourism industry. Through eight chapters the book explores the way that bus and coach travel has evolved, from early horse-drawn carriages to the latest electric buses, taking readers on a journey of technological innovation, public and private sector ownership and competition between rail, air and road transport. Along the way, Peter Robinson and Harry Cameron look at both scientific developments and the role of buses and coaches in popular culture, examining the public's enduring fascination with group travel, coach tours and heritage collections.

About the Publisher

Amberley Publishing

Amberley Publishing is the UK's most innovative publisher of history, specialist interest and local books. We love the Tudors, especially Anne Boleyn!

Book information

ISBN: 9781398113114
Publisher: Amberley Publishing
Imprint: Amberley Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: 338.3220941
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 296g
Height: 164mm
Width: 234mm
Spine width: 11mm