Circuit Rider Devotions: Reflections from the Lives of Early Methodist Preachers in North America

Circuit Rider Devotions: Reflections from the Lives of Early Methodist Preachers in North America

Paperback (21 Nov 2019)

  • $38.22
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Publisher's Synopsis

"In this extraordinary collection, Greg Van Dussen has painstakingly mined and crafted precious and powerful devotional gems from across a wide spectrum of Methodism's diverse community of historic circuit riders. This book
succeeds beautifully in reintroducing readers to some of the very best of the Wesleyan heritage. Reading it will encourage you on your spiritual journey and it will also help to remind the church of the amazing work of the Holy
Spirit in the lives of those who, through the centuries, have carried forward and delivered the faith to us."
-- Wendy J. Deichmann, Professor of History and Theology, United Theological Seminary

Book information

ISBN: 9781609471484
Publisher: Emeth Press
Imprint: Emeth Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 708
Weight: 990g
Height: 212mm
Width: 148mm
Spine width: 23mm