Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1884 edition. Excerpt: ... importance, that some distinguished poets have been greatly afllicted at the death of their contemporary bards, with what tender concern should I honour the memory of a man with whom it is more glorious to have disputed the prize of eloquence, than never to have combated as an antagonist, especially as he was always so far from obstructing my endeavours, or I his, that, on the contrary, we mutually assisted each other with our credit and advice! But as he, who had a perpetual run of felicity,1 left the world at a happy moment for himself, though a most unfortunate one for his fellowcitizens, --and died when it would have been much easier for him to lament the miseries of his country than to assist it, after living in it as long as he could have lived with honour and reputation, --we may, indeed, deplore his death as a heavy loss to us who survive him. If, however, we consider it merely as a personal event, we ought rather to congratulate his fate than to pity it; that, as often as we revive the memory of this illustrious and truly happy man, we may appear at least to have as much affection for him as for ourselves. For if we only lament that we are no longer permitted to enjoy him, it must, indeed, be acknowledged that this is a heavy misfortune to us; which it however becomes us to support with moderation, lest our sorrow should be suspected to arise from motives of interest, and not from friendship. But if we afflict ourselves, on the supposition that he was the sufferer, we misconstrue an event, which to him was certainly a very happy one. ii. If Hortensius were now living, he would probably regret many other advantages in common with his worthy fellowcitizens. But when he beheld the forum, the great theatre in which he used to exercise.