Publisher's Synopsis
With the abundance of Study Bibles, commentaries, and explanations of Scripture, the question remains: How can we genuinely know what we believe? It's easy to rely on external teachers for understanding, but what do we do when their interpretations don't align with our core convictions? Find another teacher?
How do we know when God is speaking? By coming to know the meanings and significance of the words He has spoken. Assurance of what we believe lies within the words of the Word itself.
To do this we need to read the Bible ourselves; we have to ask the questions and find the answers in the words. A good place to begin is with this little epistle of James, just 108 verses and 2265 words in the New King James Version.
That's the purpose of this workbook---to help you ask the questions and find the answers yourself in God's Word. I provide an opening blurb to set up the context in each of the 15 sections in James. Then I supply questions that should stir your contemplation. Then I provide organization with fill-in-the-blank exercises that are keyed to my book Choices: from deception to blessing.
James is a book about choices. One of the first choices is to read it and listen to its words. This workbook is designed to help you make and follow through with that choice.