Chinese Story Vol 1/8

Chinese Story Vol 1/8 HSK Chinese Culture Readings S01-25 - Chinese Culture Story

Paperback (19 Oct 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The stories Mom told us were always from China. There were history stories、fables、folk stories and fairy tales. And every kind of story, along with being informative and interesting, also taught us about filial piety and moral integrity, and encouraged us to do good and improve ourselves. A kind-hearted person was always rewarded in the end; a person who was willing to help others was always well-liked by others and always reaped benefits; and a person who was willing to work hard always succeeded in the end. Naturally, bad people always came to no good end. Each story was almost certain to finish in this way. And if we really think about it, endings such as these make sense; they are not just meaningless story plots. 妈妈都是讲中国故事,有历史故事、有寓言故事、有民间流传的故事、也有神话故事。但不论是那一类的故事,它除了知识和趣味,都是讲忠孝节义,劝人向善向上,一个好心的人,最后定有好报;一个乐意帮助他人的人,一定会博人喜悦,有所收获;一个肯努力上进的人,终能成功。当然,坏人永远是没有好下场的,这情形几乎成为一项必然的结果。仔细想想,其中确有道理,而不是一种虚构的故事情节。Chinese culture has a long history, and profound and extensive scholarship. Chinese stories are a link in the chain of Chinese culture. They have been passed down from generation to generation, and have influenced countless numbers of Chinese people. Those Chinese who live abroad, especially the next generation, must not forget Chinese culture. These stories from China allow us to see the example set for us by people of us by people of ancient times, and to understand the greatness of Chinese culture.中华文化源远流长,博大精深。中国故事是中华文化的一环,代代相传,影响了无数的中国人。身居海外的中国人,尤其是下一代中国人,我们不可能忘记中华文化,从这些中国故事里,我们可以看到前人的风范,了解到中华民族的伟大,也以做一个中国人为荣。

Book information

ISBN: 9798699686728
Publisher: Independently Published
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 90
Weight: 231g
Height: 280mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 5mm