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China's Entry Into the World Economy

China's Entry Into the World Economy Implications for Northeast Asia and the United States - Asian Agenda Report

5th Edition

Hardback (05 Aug 1987)

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Publisher's Synopsis

China's new trade and investment policies have led to increased regional economic integration in Northeast Asia and have contributed to the overall economic dynamism of the Pacific region. But whether this trend will continue will depend both on the ultimate success of China's domestic economic reforms and the ability of all of the countries in the region to mitigate remaining political frictions. Co-published with the Asia Society.

Book information

ISBN: 9780819163714
Publisher: UPA
Imprint: University Press of America
Pub date:
Edition: 5th Edition
DEWEY: 382.0951
DEWEY edition: 19
Language: English
Number of pages: 57
Weight: 331g
Height: 235mm
Width: 156mm
Spine width: 15mm