Characters of the Inquisition

Characters of the Inquisition

Paperback (18 Jun 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This book is on the Inquisition, particularly the Spanish Inquisition as opposed to the Roman Inquisition in the years following the Spanish Reconquista. Walsh delves into the Inquisition, its practice, purpose, history and personalities. The Inquisition was not a bloodthirsty BDSM fest gone wild. It was a reasoned response to infiltration of the Catholic Church by enemies of the Christian Faith who pretended to be Christians in order to pervert worship, doctrine and weaken Christendom. Anyone wishing to understand the Inquisition would to well to read Characters and learn of the heroes of the Faith, Cardinal Ximenes, Torquemada, and others who fought the good fight for Jesus Christ and his Church, After reading Characters, you will never look at the Inquisition in the same way

Book information

ISBN: 9781365203411
Publisher: Lulu Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 306
Weight: 500g
Height: 152mm
Width: 230mm
Spine width: 24mm