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Chant, Liturgy, and the Inheritance of Rome

Chant, Liturgy, and the Inheritance of Rome Essays in Honour of Joseph Dyer - Henry Bradshaw Society Subsidia

Hardback (20 Oct 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The influence of Rome on medieval plainsong and liturgy explored in depth. Containing substantial new studies in music, liturgy, history, art history, and palaeography from established and emerging scholars, this volume takes a cross-disciplinary approach to one of the most celebrated and vexing questions about plainsong and liturgy in the Middle Ages: how to understand the influence of Rome? Some essays address this question directly, examining Roman sources, Roman liturgy, or Roman practice, whilst others consider the sway ofRome more indirectly, by looking later sources, received practices, or emerging traditions that owe a foundational debt to Rome. Daniel J. DiCenso is Assistant Professor of Music at the College of the Holy Cross; Rebecca Maloy is Professor of Musicology at the University of Colorado Boulder. Contributors: Charles M. Atkinson, Rebecca A. Baltzer, James Borders, Susan Boynton, Catherine Carver, Daniel J. DiCenso, David Ganz, Barbara Haggh-Huglo, David Hiley, Emma Hornby, Thomas Forrest Kelly, William Mahrt, Charles B. McClendon, Luisa Nardini, Edward Nowacki , Christopher Page, Susan Rankin, John F. Romano, Mary E. Wolinski

About the Publisher

Henry Bradshaw Society

Boydell & Brewer Ltd was formed in 1978. It merged two companies, Boydell Press and D.S. Brewer, whose founders, Richard Barber and Derek Brewer, were themselves scholars - Brewer a Chaucer specialist and subsequently Professor of English and Master of Emmanuel College, Barber a medieval historian and Arthurian. Richard Barber is still a highly active scholar and continues to publish eminently in his own right and offers a vast amount of knowledge and experience to Boydell & Brewer.

Book information

ISBN: 9781907497346
Publisher: Boydell & Brewer Ltd
Imprint: Henry Bradshaw Society
Pub date:
DEWEY: 780
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 596
Weight: 1402g
Height: 241mm
Width: 166mm
Spine width: 46mm