Publisher's Synopsis
What this book is about is raising conscious awareness to our collective humanity and respective contributions to our country, with added focus on our multiculturalism and fundamentally our shared...constitutional ideology: that we are all created equal... In the midst of political and racial divisions in America, I heard a republican congressman speaking to the media, he said: "With open eyes, open ears, open mind and you walk away with some understanding..." while honoring our first amendment right to freedom of expression...through open minded and open hearted conversations... If you take one thing away from reading this book, I hope it's that our numerous races, ethnicities, beliefs and values manifested through comparative historical and contextual exploration can serve as a miscible advantage or a harmonious mixture when added together ... a reconciliatory nod to our past and a meditative extrapolation, interjection and celebration of our ...United States or 'US'. Enjoy!" Praise for Jacques Fleury's "Chain Letter to America..." "A powerful strike on the doors of Justice. The courageous author painted his vision, and suggested understanding and consciousness of our historic and present social reality. Before anybody from any medical society in the Roman Empire, a descendant of a slave performed the first major open heart surgery in America. There is an axiom: 'Know the cause of the illness, and you will be able to apply the proper medicine.' I know this: When we understand that we are the Human Race, there will be no place on Earth for Eris and Ares. Please, keep fueling the wings of Your Quill, and let the world know that it soars safely blown by winds of reality, and aesthetical light. In reverent appreciation..." -Andre Emmanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU --Poet, Translator "Quite a tirade of prose and poetry of the state of the United States in the early 21st century. I thought we would be beyond all that, but it has come back to haunt us. I was enthralled with every word. Jacques Fleury's scholarship and writing ability are far above the average. Really worth paying attention to...a metaphor for refugees from all kinds of calamities trying to find a safe place, a calm place in their life where they can rest and think of the life around them... Inspiring words about the harshness and beauty... all around us ... Fleury really said a load in this broadly sweeping exposé of modern life awakening. It's good to see his superlative writing again... Kudos!" -Ronald W. Hull, Ed.D, Author of Hanging by a Thread "I grew up in a black, white, and yellow world... Differences in color and nationality are what makes life interesting. I go to a very diverse church because I know that's what Heaven is going to be like... as for color, I am not blind but I am so grateful the Lord made us diverse as it's a blessing and not a curse. In His eyes, all of us matter. I Praise Him for giving me such wisdom." - Dr. John M. Domino Author of Reflections from the Great Depression and WWII "Polarization and violence in our country make increasingly urgent a greater understanding of our history. No one can confidently predict that things will return to 'normal', or that non-racist forces will seamlessly replace President Trump after his one or two terms in office. So what lessons and what inspiration from our past can we draw upon to help us in our present circumstance?" -Neil Calendar, Adjunct Professor of English, Roxbury Community College