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Cell Culture: Techniques and Applications

Cell Culture: Techniques and Applications

Hardback (27 Sep 2022)

  • $169.47
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Publisher's Synopsis

The process of growing cells outside their natural environment is called cell culture. After isolating them from the living tissue, the cells are grown under controlled conditions. They can be grown using an artificial substrate or in a free floating culture medium. Cell culture finds extensive applications in the fields of tissue engineering, molecular biology, cellular agriculture, nanomaterials assessment, drug discovery, regenerative medicines and vaccines. From theories to research to practical applications, case studies related to all contemporary topics of relevance to this field have been included in this book. The various studies that are constantly contributing towards advancing technologies and evolution of this field are examined in detail. This book is a vital tool for all researching or studying techniques and applications of cell culture as it gives incredible insights into emerging trends and concepts.

Book information

ISBN: 9781639890989
Publisher: States Academic Press
Imprint: States Academic Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 240
Weight: 848g
Height: 279mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 14mm