Cathedral Architecture

Cathedral Architecture - Pitkin Guides

New edition

Paperback (30 Jul 2006)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The landmark of many cities is the cathedral. Some had their beginnings as monastic buildings, have stood for nearly a thousand years, and remain essential icons, or even emblems, of a city's character.
Yet not all cathedrals look alike, and indeed these buildings were often the pioneers of new architecture as it developed over the centuries. Here, Cathedral Architecture takes the reader on a journey through time, enjoying the architectural experience of the styles of the Normans, Early English, Decorated Gothic, Perpendicular Gothic, and English Renaissance through to modern day.
A beautifully illustrated guide featuring many of Britain's best-loved cathedrals.

Book information

ISBN: 9781841650760
Publisher: Pitkin
Imprint: Pitkin
Pub date:
Edition: New edition
DEWEY: 726.60941
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 162g
Height: 241mm
Width: 172mm
Spine width: 3mm