Publisher's Synopsis
`This book will become a popular introductory text for students of Rogers′ person-centred philosophy. It is clear and comprehensive... Throughout, the book presents a powerful picture of the revolutionary nature of Rogers′ work and its continuing impact on the psychotherapeutic community′ - British Psychological Society Counselling Psychology Review `Attractively written and very readable... A must for the branch bookshelf′ - The Samaritan Carl Rogers, the founder of person-centred therapy, was perhaps the most influential American psychologist and psychotherapist of this century. This book offers insights into Rogers′ own life and development together with a clear exposition of his major theoretical ideas. A further feature is a detailed exploration of Rogers′ actual way of working with clients as it has been recorded on audio-tape and film. Brian Thorne also presents the controversial view that Rogers′ profound influence on the development of counselling and psychotherapy throughout the world may owe much to the fact that he was a twentieth-century `secular′ representative of a spiritual tradition which goes back centuries.