Publisher's Synopsis
Carbon Pricing reflects upon and further develops the ongoing and worthwhile global debate into how to design carbon pricing, as well as how to utilize the financial proceeds in the best possible way for society.
The world has recently witnessed a significant downward adjustment in fossil fuel prices, which has negative implications for the future of our environment. In light of these negative developments, it is important to understand the benefits of environmental sustainability through well-documented research. This discerning book considers the design of carbon taxes and examines the consequential outcomes of different taxation compositions as regulatory instruments. Expert contributors assess a variety of national experiences to provide an empirical insight into the use of carbon taxes, emissions trading, energy taxes and excise taxes. The overarching discussion concludes that successful policies used by some countries can be implemented in other jurisdictions with minimum new research and experimentation.
This astute work will benefit scholars, practitioners and policymakers alike with an interest in the fields of environmental law, environmental economics, sustainable development and taxation law.
Contributors: B. Bahn-Walkowiak, J. Bruha, H. Bruhova-Foltýnovà, B. Butcher, M. Calaf Forn, N. Chalifour, S. Cheng, E. Croci, S. Elgie, E. Guglyuvatyy, M. Jofra Sora, C. Kettner, K. Kratena, E. Meyer, I. Meyer, S. Onoda, J. Papy, T.F. Pedersen, V. Pisa, I. Puig Ventosa, A. Ravazzi Douvan, M. Sargl, K. Schlegelmilch, M.W. Sommer, N.P. Stoianoff, P. ten Brink, W.E. Weishaar, H. Wilts, S. Withana, Sirini, G. Wittmann, A. Wolfsteiner