Publisher's Synopsis
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Cutting-edge coverage of carbon nanoscale science
This definitive volume offers an in-depth look at the unique properties and potential applications of carbon nanomaterials (CNM). Beginning with a description of various CNM types, Carbon Nanoforms and Applications addresses the need to develop a new classification of carbon. After discussing the fundamental physics, the book covers techniques for CNM synthesis and characterization. This authoritative resource then provides comprehensive information on the physico-chemical and biosystems applications of CNMs.
Carbon Nanoforms and Applications covers:
- Theoretical aspects of CNM
- Synthesis and characterization of CNM
- Electron field emission
- Fuel cells
- Electric double-layer capacitors
- Hydrogen storage
- Lithium-ion batteries
- Carbon solar cells
- Microwave absorption
- Carbon nanosensors
- Biosystems
- Cancer treatment
- Nano-enabled drug delivery
- Antimicrobial properties
- Tissue fabrication
- Neurogenesis
- Food and cosmetics