Publisher's Synopsis
In our galaxy of the future, five centuries from now, there is a hidden treasure on a desert planet, put there by a band of half humanoid, half animal space pirates. It's a treasure worth quadrillions, and the pirates had stolen it from the biggest organized crime bosses on the planet Roguar. And he, in turn, had robbed it from the League of Systems, and he wanted it back. The mafia army of that crime boss attacked the space pirates over their home planet of Mirado, in an attempt to get it back. One lone Miradan escaped the destruction. And then there was Louisa May Kytt. She was given the gift of the location of that treasure by that survivor. It was repayment for saving his life. Captain Kytt was also a survivor. She was a space pirate herself; an amalgamation of a strong and powerful superhero, and a skillful James Bond/ninja. Her special powers are augmented by a bionic eyepatch and hand. She assembled a crew of old comrades, a crew of mercenaries and thieves like herself. Together, they set out to rid the galaxy of the purely evil Roguarian mob boss, the infamous Don Toto 'The Sandman' Domito. They relieve him of his treasure, his empire, and his life. And in the process, Kytt also settles a very old and personal score with him. She's a rogue and a scoundrel, but she's also one beautiful badass hero. Raised by her parents as a child on the planet Roguar, and then as a young adult by her uncle on earth, Kytt's a complicated woman, and so is her story.
Captain Kytt's Uncle, Bartholomew Masterson, a former League of Systems Space Force Special Forces ranger, taught her everything he knew. On his ranch just outside Seligman Arizona, he taught her how to fight, shoot, attack with stealth, and how to fly (in more ways than one). He also tried to inspire and motivate her to believe, without as much success. On her eighteenth birthday, she set out on her own to explore the galaxy, and find the fame, fortune, and adventure that she craved so much. Then, after years of exploits, escapades, and adventures, together with her new crew, Kytt set out to rid the galaxy of a long-endured scourge. Her new band of space pirates was made up of the very best. First on the list was BARNABAS BLACKJACK BLAKE, weapons specialist and soarcar thief from Texas. Second was HIERONYMUS GRUBER, A.K.A.: RONNY, engineer/mechanic from Detroit. Third was VANESSA KNIGHT, alias: FOXY FLY, space cruiser pilot from Chicago. Fourth was TOMMIEBOY THUNDERBALL, alias: SHADOW WOLF, tracker/navigator and part-time bounty hunter from the Navajo Nation, Arizona. Last but not least was JAEGER FLIPTOP JETSON, tech specialist/nerd hacker from Sunnyvale, California in the Silicon Valley.
Before Kytt is able to whack Domito, he introduces her to his infamous tuneup and whack-a-mole basement à la Marquis de Sade. She just barely escapes with her life, thanks to her ace gunner, Barnabas Blake. Captain Kytt fights her way back to Domito's office and finally blows him away, or so she thinks, but not quite yet. It takes a legendary battle in space and a wild and crazy ride through a field of asteroids and photon torpedoes to finally eliminate the Roguarian don. And as Captain Kytt and her band of merry pirates warp off into the far reaches of the galaxy to the pacific tropical beaches of Taurus Four (and Jagger Jetson's home sweet island home), Domito's battlecruiser is decimated into a million pieces. But is the evil don destroyed with it? A clue to that mystery is provided in the epilogue. One survivor of the battle of Beta Gammaron returns to Roguar, and not exactly in one piece. Another survivor of that battle winds up marooned on Beta Gammaron. A survivor who will present a threat to Kytt in the future almost as great as Domito. But for now, Kytt's crew is able to enjoy the fruits of their labor on Jetson's idyllic Taurus Four island home. And Captain Kytt and Blackjack Blake get a room.