Publisher's Synopsis
Jason Aaron's Captain America Captain America The Dead Mongrel And Falcon meets his ultimate enemy: Captain America from the Vietnam War! As new enemies collide, the old secrets of the Super-Soldier project are revealed. From WOLVERINE superstar: Jason Aaron and Ron Garney's WEAPON X creative team get ready for a tough story about a man trying to serve his homeland - and what sacrifices he has to make. Captain America's endless war on crime and tyranny faces new and old enemies, from an army of robotic copies to the black deeds of Baron Blood! Read more: The President's Cap? Captain America is celebrating 80 years of fighting tyranny this month! And what better way to celebrate than to ask a group of Marvel's most popular artists to redesign and modernize Captain America's origins and the debut of CAPTAIN AMERICA COMICS # 1 Red Skull, as well as Cap's adulthood. The legendary stories that have changed the course of comic book history are presented in a whole new way for the current generation of Marvel fans! Guest with the Avengers; SHIELD.; and late, big Union Jack! With Cobra, Mister Hyde and Batroc the Leader The whole Stern / Byrne race, culminating in the standard version of Cap's fantastic origins! Collect Captain America (1968) # 247-255. Collect ULTIMATE COMICS CAPTAIN AMERICA # 1-4 and CAPTAIN AMERICA SPOTLIGHT.