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Capitalism in the Anthropocene

Capitalism in the Anthropocene Ecological Ruin or Ecological Revolution

Paperback (10 Sep 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Over the last 11,700 years, during which human civilization developed, the earth has existed within what geologists refer to as the Holocene Epoch. Now science is telling us that the Holocene Epoch in the geological time scale ended, replaced by a new more dangerous Anthropocene Epoch, which began around 1950. The Anthropocene Epoch is characterized by an "anthropogenic rift" in the biological cycles of the Earth System, marking a changed reality in which human activities are now the main geological force impacting the earth as a whole, generating at the same time an existential crisis for the world's population.

Book information

ISBN: 9781583679746
Publisher: Monthly Review Press
Imprint: Monthly Review Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 304.2
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 693
Weight: 802g
Height: 141mm
Width: 209mm
Spine width: 41mm