Capitalism and Islam in the Making of Modern Bahrain

Capitalism and Islam in the Making of Modern Bahrain

Hardback (25 May 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In recent decades, the culture, society, politics, and economics of Bahrain have been transformed, driving its global ambitions while retaining to a degree the rule of law and cosmopolitanism. Islam and Capitalism in the Making of Modern Bahrain examines the transformation of Bahrain from the 1930s, from a regional trading port and then an important oil producer into the financial hub for the Gulf and into a global centre of Islamic finance. It focuses on the changes and tensions that transformation brought to Bahrain's political, legal, economic, religious, and social structures. In this book, Rajeswary Brown explores the rising force of youth populism driven by the persistence of poverty and unemployment, notably among rural Shi'ite communities and unemployed middle-class youth, as well as examining Bahrain's skillful reconciliation of the demands of Islamic faith, expressed in the Sharia, to the requirements of modern financial capitalism. In this, Bahrain's experience can be set against the modern history of much of the rest of the Middle East, most strikingly with respect to the position of Islamic charities, notably in Syria, comparisons of which are fully explored here.

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Oxford University Press

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Book information

ISBN: 9780192874672
Publisher: OUP OXFORD
Imprint: Oxford University Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 330.95365
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 496
Weight: 1024g
Height: 240mm
Width: 164mm
Spine width: 39mm