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Candy Planet: A Beautiful Planet Created by a Seven-Year-Old Girl, Where Fairies with Magic Power Live in Love and Happiness.

Candy Planet: A Beautiful Planet Created by a Seven-Year-Old Girl, Where Fairies with Magic Power Live in Love and Happiness.

Paperback (12 Jul 2022)

  • $22.14
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Publisher's Synopsis

Somewhere faraway in the universe, there is a place called the Candy Planet. There, a group of fairies live in love and happiness, having all kinds of fun, learning and practicing their magic, and having sports competitions.

There is a lake on the Candy Planet called Love Pool, with water as blue as the sky and waves gently spreading on the peaceful surface. The lake's surface often reflects rainbows, and lovely plants and animals are everywhere. The fairies of the Candy Planet sleep in the pool just like mermaids, and they can do all kinds of magic with their special powers. They have pets and grow flowers, and they can even travel to other places, such as various countries on Earth!

This children's story paints a picture of a wonderful, beautiful world where gentle fairies and animals live together in peace and harmony, free from all troubles and worries.

Book information

ISBN: 9781663239839
Publisher: Author Solutions Inc
Imprint: iUniverse
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 52
Weight: 145g
Height: 216mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 4mm