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Canda Ko Lekara Sanga, Saira Ko Mai Nikala

Canda Ko Lekara Sanga, Saira Ko Mai Nikala I Took the Moon for a Walk

Dual language edition

Paperback (15 Jan 2004) | English,Hindi

  • $13.30
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Publisher's Synopsis

When the day has ended and everyone else has fallen asleep, a young boy embarks on an adventure with his friend, the Moon. Their unusual journey is described in lyrical verse, creating a magical story that celebrates the serene beauty of the world at night.

About the Publisher

Mantra Lingua

Book information

ISBN: 9781846113802
Publisher: Mantra Lingua
Imprint: Mantra Lingua
Pub date:
Edition: Dual language edition
DEWEY: 813.6
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English,Hindi
Weight: 150g
Height: 184mm
Width: 270mm
Spine width: 3mm